- Header panel: Area for adding the title and actions that are independent of the rest of the component (for example, window controls)
- Content slot: Space for subcomponents and custom content
- Footer panel: Areas for adding text and buttons related to the content in the content area
- Title area: Header area where the customizable dialog title appears
- Action slot (optional): An empty slot where you can add a button to trigger an additional action
- Minimize button (optional): You can display the minimize button in the header panel; it’s hidden by default
- Maximize button (optional): You can display the maximize button in the header panel; it’s hidden by default
- Close button (optional): You can display the close button in the header panel; it’s hidden by default
See usage guidelines for icon gallery
See usage guidance for iconic button
Use the modeless dialog to show components and content after the user selects an element to open it. Use a modeless dialog when you want the user to be able to interact with the current page and the dialog. Examples of when you can use the modeless dialog are: for chat functions, help information, or other types of content.
Not to be confused with similar components such as:
- Modal dialog: A container that appears above the the application content to provide information or ask for a decision. While the modal is active, the app content behind is disabled.
- Popover: A temporary panel that floats over other content to provide contextual help and information when a user selects a triggering element.
For more information, see the usage guidelines for these components: Modal dialog and custom popover.
Learn about the attributes of modeless dialog.
Modeless dialog has the following header color variants: initial, primary, and secondary. This only affects the header background color.
The initial color variant shows a white background for the entire dialog. This is the default.
The header background color is more emphasized and best when you want a stronger, more visible header that draws the user’s attention.
The header background color is less emphasized than the primary, but it’s also good for when you want a stronger presence than the default initial type.
Although there is a default size, you can configure the modeless dialog width and height based on your individual use case. When determining the size, consider the component's intent and the type of content it displays. For example, a modeless dialog used for a chat feature may need to be larger in order to comfortably fit conversations, while a smaller size can be used for simpler content like a list.
Learn how to customize modeless dialog by configuring the available properties.
You can configure the modeless dialog header title and add iconic buttons.
You can define the modeless dialog title. If the title exceeds the width of the header container, the text wraps.
Action slot
You can add a button iconic in this empty slot to trigger an additional action.
Minimize and maximize
You can display minimize and maximize buttons that are hidden by default. When the user maximizes the dialog, it expands 100 percent to the viewport (excluding the navigation bar) or container.
You can add a button that provides users with the ability to close the modeless dialog. By default, this button does not appear.
Header and footer panels
You can show or hide the header and footer panels in modeless dialog.
You can include the header panel at the top of the modeless dialog when it needs a title to help explain its intent or purpose and action items.
You can include a footer panel on the bottom of the modeless dialog to provide context or additional elements. For example, a chat widow can provide a space for user input in the footer panel.
Design recommendations
Learn how to apply modeless dialog in your design.
Alignment and positioning
When the user triggers a modeless dialog, by default it hovers over the center of the experience. You can have it appear on the top left or right, or bottom left or right in the experience. Always position it close to the element that opens it. Users can interact with both the modeless dialog and the content in view.
Learn how modeless dialog behaves when the display changes or a user interacts with the component.
Responsive behaviors
Learn how modeless dialog responds to changes in a container or display.
Fixed panels
If you include a header or footer panel, you can fix the panels to remain visible when a user scrolls the content.
Learn how modeless dialog responds when a user interacts with it.
Dragging and dropping
You can enable drag and drop functionality for modeless dialog.
When enabled, the user can move the position of the modeless dialog by selecting the header or footer work panel and using the drag and drop pointer to move the dialog to a new location.
This interaction is only available if the modeless dialog includes a header or footer panel.
Note: Users can also move the modeless dialog using keyboard keys. For more information, see the Usability section, Keyboard interactions below.
You can choose to enable the resize functionality for the modeless dialog.
When enabled, the user can resize the component by selecting the edge of the window and dragging their cursor horizontally, vertically, or at an angle.
Note: Users can also resize the modeless dialog using keyboard keys. For more information, see the Usability section, Keyboard interactions below.
The modeless dialog is a container for content and components. The text within the content area and footer should follow content best practices and avoid truncation when possible.
The header title text wraps to a second line.
Modeless dialog complies with all internationalization and accessibility requirements.
The modeless window is a container for content and components. Therefore, it is important that any content or components within it adhere to internationalization standards.
When the display translates to a right-to-left (RTL) language, the modeless dialog flips in its orientation. The order of importance changes to right-to-left in the dialog but remains top to bottom. The sort order configuration for LTR and RTL versions remains the same.
Learn how to access the actionable elements of modeless dialog through keyboard interactions and screen readers.
Modeless dialog tab order
Note: Truncated text becomes focusable if you have the “Enable keyboard focus on truncated text” option on. Go to your OS Preferences > Accessibility panel and set this option to True. In modeless dialog, a truncated title becomes focusable and displays the full text in a tooltip.
Keyboard interactions
When using the modeless dialog, it’s important to manage focus either to the header or first interactive element. Every modeless dialog component should have at least one focusable control.
You can access the actionable elements of modeless dialog with these keyboard keys:
- Tab: Moves focus to the next element inside the modeless dialog; if focus is on the last element, closes the modeless dialog
- Shift + Tab: Moves focus to the previous element inside the modeless dialog
- Enter/return: Triggers element action
- Escape or Spacebar (with focus on x): Closes the modeless dialog
When the focus is on the resize icon in the bottom right corner:
- Up or down arrow: Resizes window larger vertically
- Left or right arrow: Resizes window larger horizontally
- Shift + up or shift + down arrow: Resizes window smaller vertically
- Shift + left or shift + right arrow: Resizes window smaller horizontally
Focus on the drag and drop button:
- Spacebar or Enter/return: Enables drag and focus moves to dialog
Focus on dialog from drag and drop:
- Tab or Enter/return: Exits dragging and returns focus to drag and drop button
- Up or down arrow: Moves dialog up or down in small increments
- Left or right arrow: Moves dialog left or right in small increments
- Shift + left or right arrow: Moves dialog left or right by 10 pixels
- Shift + up or down arrow: Moves dialog up or down by 10 pixels
- Page Up or Page Down: Moves dialog to top or bottom of viewport
- Home or End: Moves dialog to left or right of viewport
Screen readers
The modeless dialog requires an accessible name. To configure the name, use the ‘aria-label’ attribute. The accessible name should match the modeless dialog heading. If no heading is visible, the accessible name should convey the purpose of the dialog.