Using illustrations

Follow these guidelines to enhance proper illustration usage. Consistency removes confusion and provides a seamless user experience.


Banners are key to announcing and promoting functionalities, increasing user adoption, and delivering important messages to elevate user engagement and overall product experiences.

Dashboard with a banner housing a welcome message to the user

Size and Padding

  • Workspace banner assets are 572x160
  • Aligned right
  • Vertically centered
Banner showing an example of size and padding


Depending on the region's needs, banners are created and used as right-aligned or left-aligned.

Banner showing an example of left to right text and image layout

Left-to-right (LTR) languages

Banner showing an example of right to left text and image layout

Right-to-left (RTL) languages

Dos and Don'ts

Follow to enhance quality and consistency.

The "general" banner that is to be used as a default

If there isn’t a banner designed to fit your workflow category or use case, use this general banner.

Various labeled banners for "IT workflow", "Customer workflow", "Employee workflow" each with a distinct illustration

Don’t use banners that were designed for different purposes.

The "general" banner that follows the established style

Follow style rules on the creation page.

The "general" banner augmented with colors and shapes that do not follow the established style

Don’t change the style of the banner illustrations.

A bounding box around the "general" banner showing the prescribed size

Keep banners at 100% size.

A horizontally compressed or "squashed" version of the "general" banner showing incorrect use

Don’t scale or skew banners.

Empty States

Empty States help understand why a widget or a screen has no information to use.

Screenshot of CSM Workspace showing an empty state being used

Size and Padding

Empty state configurations are small, medium, and large.

  • Large are 350px by 318px with 24px padding
  • Medium are 216px by 168px with 12px padding
  • Small are 56px by 56px with 3px padding
Various sizes of an illustration represented along with highlighted padding values

Dos and Don'ts

Follow to enhance quality and consistency.

An empty state illustration with the colors and style that it has by default

Use empty state illustrations on color system backgrounds.

An empty state illustration that has been augmented with colors and background elements

Don’t overlay illustrations on distracting backgrounds or visual elements.

Appropriate composition of empty state illustration; heading, description, actionable button

Do use empty state illustrations as intended. They require a heading with an optional description and a button.

Inappropriate use of empty state illustration; on a gradient background with no button

Don’t use empty state illustrations for unintended use such as banners and cards.


Modals present content to help user interaction in a layer above. In some cases, modals contain information that provides additional help and support. Illustrations within modals are visual aids and are commonly used for walkthroughs and educating about added features.

A screenshot of a modal that contains an illustration

Size and Padding

Providing enough space from the edges for important elements avoids creating tangents that can be distracting. Also, allowing more space on the left and right sides of illustration elements creates a good balance of negative space.

  • Minimum padding
    • Top/Bottom: 12px
    • Left/Right: 24px

Dos and Don'ts

Follow to enhance quality and consistency.

Modal illustration with default colors

Have a light color as a background. Interactive-0 is the default color.

Modal illustration with an augmented background color

Changing to a dark color background causes too much contrast.

A screenshot of a modal illustration being used in a modal

Use modal illustrations as intended. They should live within modals.

A modal illustration being used inappropriately

Don’t use modal illustrations as banners or card illustrations.

Screenshot of an appropriate amount of outlines

Only outlining main objects creates a good balance of outlined and solid objects.

Screenshot of an example where too many outlines are used

Too many outlines becomes busy and confusing since visual elements look too similar.

A screenshot showing an appropriate use of text in a modal illustration

Use text only if necessary. Using text is encouraged outside the illustration within the modal.

A screenshot showing overuse of text in a modal illustration

Overusing text can make a modal useless to people who are reading in other languages and is an overload of information.


A card component is a versatile building block used to display content clearly. Our illustrations will enhance scannability, improve clarity, and create an emotional connection for our users. Illustrations may highlight a product's features, trigger a modal with instructional material, or highlight an important step when first diving into a product.

Example of cards with illustrations in them

Size and Padding

  • 136px minimum height
  • 8px minimum padding for illustration elements (excluding shadows)
Screenshot of two cards with the recommended padding highlighted

Dos and Don’ts

Follow to enhance quality and consistency.

Screenshot of a card illustration in the original aspect ratio

Keep illustrations at 100% scale. If scaling is required due to responsive layout, export asset using card width of common breakpoint.

Screenshot of a card illustration with a squashed aspect ratio

Don’t skew illustrations.

A card illustration being used in the appropriate location

Use card illustrations as intended. They should live within cards.

A card illustration being used in a banner

Don’t use card illustrations as banners or modal illustrations.