Label value

A label-value pair used to show secondary and tertiary information that only displays horizontally (inline)


  • Available sinceQuebec
  • A11Y WCAG 2.1 AA

Label value inline pairs a label with a corresponding value, displayed horizontally in a single line. This component helps display secondary and tertiary information in a structured manner, enhances readability and provides context to the presented data.

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When to use

Use label value inline when you need to present secondary and tertiary information in a compact space, such as within tables or grid layouts. It shows important details next to their labels, to make data clear and organized.

When not to use

Don’t use label value inline for primary content. If the horizontal space is limited, use alternative label value types like label value stacked for better readability and a more organized display.


label value pair inline anatomy
  1. Label: Identifier of the displayed value
  2. Value: Plain text that displays secondary metadata


See usage guidance for tooltip


The type of label-value pair you use depends on the metadata you want to display, the design layout, and the amount of space you have available. Use label value (inline) for displaying secondary and tertiary information horizontally.

In cases where space is limited, you can use the label value stacked component to display values in a vertical alignment. See the usage guidelines for details.

label value pair inline usage

In this example, a card uses the label-value pair (inline) component to display secondary information like last updated and views.


Learn about the attributes of label value (inline).


There are multiple label-value pair types: tabbed, stacked, and inline. This guidance covers how to use the inline type, referred to here as label value (inline).

See usage guidance for label-value pair (tabbed)

See usage guidance for label-value pair (stacked)


Label value (inline) has only one size. This size succinctly displays secondary or tertiary information in areas where space is limited.

label value pair inline size small


Label value (inline) has the following different configurations: default and reversed.

Default order

Default ordering places the label before the value.

In this example of the default order, the label, “Last updated”, appears before the value , “3 days ago.”

Reversed order

Reversed ordering places the label after the value. Choose a configuration based on the metadata you want to display.

In this example, the values of the pairs, “100” and “9”, appear before the labels.


You can configure the label to be truncated. This truncates the content to a single line within the width configured for the component.

Design recommendations

Learn how to apply label value (inline) in your design.

label value pair application do

If you have more than one label-value pair, place each pair on its own line.

modeless dialog too far away from the circular button
that initiated it

Placing multiple label-value (inline) pairs side-by-side affects readability. It becomes difficult to determine which values relate to which labels.

UI text guidelines

These are some recommendations for using text within label value (inline):

  • Use short labels to avoid text wrapping to the next line
  • If you’re using the default order, use past tense verbs in the label to say what happened
    • For example, “Authored by Abel Tuter”
  • If you’re using the reversed order, use the plural version of the objects you’re showing


Learn how label value (inline) behaves when the display changes or a user interacts with the component.


Avoid truncating label value (inline), because this will impact readability. However, if you can't avoid truncating the label or value, you can configure the text to truncate. An ellipsis replaces the overflow text and a tooltip displays the full text string on hover.

lvp inline truncation


Label value (inline) complies with all internationalization and accessibility requirements.


When the content translates to a right-to-left (RTL) language, the labels and values flip. The label moves to the right and the value moves to the left.


Learn how to access the actionable elements of label value (inline) through keyboard interactions and screen readers.

Keyboard interactions

The label value (inline) component doesn't have keyboard interactivity because the value is always a plain text string.

Note: An option in the user Preferences menu on the operating system sets a tab stop on non-interactive text that truncates in this component, such as a title or label, and makes that text a tooltip trigger. The user presses Enter or the spacebar to open the tooltip and view the entire content. To enable this feature, set the Enable keyboard focus on truncated text option to true in the Accessibility panel of the Preferences menu.