
Tabular navigation component that helps users visualize and interact with a multi-step process


  • Available sinceQuebec
  • A11Y WCAG 2.1 AA

A stepper guides users through a step-by-step process or workflow and allows users to navigate between steps. It visually divides a complex task into manageable sections, displaying each step in a linear progression.

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When to use

Use a stepper when you have a multi-step process. Stepper is particularly useful for guiding users through complex tasks, such as form submissions, registration flows, or checkout processes.

When not to use

Don’t use stepper if the process involves only one or two straightforward actions, where the sequential nature is unnecessary or burdensome.


anatomy of the stepper component
  1. Step identifier: Current status of a step; a step number is optional
  2. Step label (optional): Step name; an icon is optional
  3. Step sub-label (optional): Text that provides additional information about a step
  4. Completed task indicator (optional): Number of steps completed out of the total number of steps
  5. In progress: Step is partially completed
  6. Connection line: Connects steps and pagination arrows within the stepper
  7. Pagination arrows: Iconic buttons that appear when the stepper overflows its container; enables navigation to steps that are not currently visible


You can use stepper to help users manage their progress through a workflow. Use a numbered stepper when there is a specific order to complete the tasks or use a non-numbered stepper when users can complete steps in any order.

In this example, the numbered stepper appears at the top to show the user all the steps required to onboard the new employee.

If the steps can only be progressed in a linear order, you can also use the read-only version of stepper to display a current state within a process. In the example below, a read-only stepper is used to display a completion status for new hardware request.


Learn how to customize your stepper by configuring the available properties.


You can set the stepper size to small or medium.


default numbered stepper


default numbered stepper

Numbered stepper

You can configure your stepper to number all steps and to display the current step number. Your stepper is numbered by default.

default numbered stepper

Non-numbered stepper

You can choose not to display numbers if the end user can complete the tasks in any order.

non\-numbered stepper

Label position

You can configure where the stepper label displays in relation to the stepper. Top, bottom, and right are all available options.


non\-numbered stepper


non\-numbered stepper
non\-numbered stepper

Selected item

You can set a stepper item to display as selected when the user opens the stepper.

non\-numbered stepper


You can set your stepper to read-only to display in presentation mode. This will remove all interactivity except for pagination.

non\-numbered stepper

Additional elements

You can configure each step to display information your users may need as they progress through the workflow. The default configuration is a step identifier with a step label.

Elements Example
Step identifier only now-stepper
Step identifier and step label (default) now-stepper
Step identifier, icon, step label now-stepper
Step identifier, icon, step label, sub-label now-stepper
Step identifier, icon, step label, sub-label, pagination now-stepper
Step identifier, icon, step label, sub-label, pagination, Completed task indicator now-stepper

Design recommendations

Learn how to apply stepper in your design.

stepper with consistent step information

Be consistent with the information you include under each step.

stepper with distracting mix of labels and icons

Don’t display varying levels of information and decoration in the step label and sub-label.

steps marked correctly with icons and labels

Always pair an icon with a label.

steps incorrectly marked with icons only

Avoid using only an icon to label a step.

steps marked correctly with icons and labels

Do make the stepper read-only to prevent users from skipping a step.

steps incorrectly marked with icons only

If the steps can only be progressed in a linear order, do not make the stepper interactive

Alignment and positioning

You can only align the stepper horizontally in your design. Always position the stepper at the top of the multi-step process so that the user has a common reference point as they move between steps.

UI text guidelines

These are some recommendations for using text within stepper:

  • The label should categorize what’s in the step or say what the person should expect to do
    • For example, the label could be, “Order summary”
  • The sub-label can provide any additional or clarifying details about the step
    • For example, the label could be, “Purchase” and the sub-label could be, “Choose a payment method”
  • Consider starting the label with a verb to tell the person they need to do something in a step
    • For example, the label could be, “Review contact details”
  • If you’re using an identifier with the label, the icon should make sense with label
  • Use similar formatting for labels for consistency and to make it easier to scan them
    • For example, stepper labels could be “Review cart” and “Place order,” which uses a verb followed by an object


Learn how stepper behaves when the display changes or a user interacts with the component.

Status indicators

Each step can have one of the following statuses: Not started, Active, In Progress, and Complete.

Status Description Numbered example Non-numbered example
Not Started The user has not yet interacted with this step now-stepper now-stepper
Active The current step the user is on now-stepper now-stepper
In progress The user has interacted with this step but has not yet completed it. now-stepper now-stepper
Complete The user has completed this step now-stepper now-stepper


Each status above has its own states.

Not Started

The Not Started status has the following states: default, hover, pressed, and disabled.

State Example
Default now-stepper
Hover now-stepper
Pressed now-stepper
Disabled now-stepper


The Active status has the following states: default, hover, and pressed.

State Example
Default now-stepper
Hover now-stepper
Pressed now-stepper

In Progress

The In Progress status has the following states: default, hover, and pressed.

State Example
Default now-stepper
Hover now-stepper
Pressed now-stepper


The Complete status has the following states: default, hover, and pressed.

State Example
Default now-stepper
Hover now-stepper
Pressed now-stepper

Responsive behaviors

Learn how stepper responds to changes in a container or display.


A stepper can contain a maximum of 99 steps. If the steps overflow the stepper's container, pagination arrows buttons automatically appear on either end. The pagination arrows use the iconic button sub-component. If the arrow is black, it indicates that there is additional content out of view. If the arrow is disabled, it indicates that the user is at the beginning or end of the stepper flow.

See usage guidance for iconic button

Progress status

The user's progress status is independent of whether the step is in an active state.
For example, if a stepper has the "Complete" status and a user views that step, the step becomes "Active." However, the step doesn't lose its "Complete" status and the completed count doesn't change.


Pagination will adjust to ensure that the selected step is always within view.


Labels and sub-labels truncate with an ellipsis if they are too long for the content slot.

long labels are truncated with a tooltip

Users can hover over the label to invoke a tooltip that contains the contents of the full label.
Try to keep the stepper labels and sub-labels short and concise to avoid truncation, because truncated labels affect readability.


In a non-numbered stepper, the user can select a step to open it regardless of where they are in the flow. In a numbered stepper, once the user completes a step and selects the action button, they are advanced to the next step.


Stepper complies with all internationalization and accessibility requirements.


When the display translates to a right-to-left (RTL) language, the labels, icons, and completion status change their orientation from right to left and align on the right. For a numbered stepper, the order of the steps moves from right to left.

stepper displaying right\-to\-left language


Keyboard interactions

When focus is on the stepper:

  • Tab: Moves focus to the first visible step
  • Shift + Tab: Moves focus to the last visible step

When focus is in the stepper:

  • Tab: Moves focus to the next focusable element (a step or pagination)
  • Shift + Tab: Moves focus to the previous focusable element (a step or pagination)
  • Arrow right: Moves focus to the next step in the flow
  • Arrow left: Moves focus to the previous step in the flow
  • Enter or Space: When focus is on a step, activates that step and displays the information associated with it; when focus is on an arrow, activates pagination
  • Home: Moves focus to first step
  • End: Moves focus to last step

When focus is on the pagination arrows in a stepper:

  • Focus remains on the arrow unless the arrow enters a disabled state (like on the first or last step in a stepper)
  • If the arrow is disabled in the new page, the focus moves to the first or last step depending on which arrows the user has in focus
stepper focus flow for pagination