
A form control that enables users to select a range of dates and times.


  • Available sinceVancouver
  • A11Y WCAG 2.1 AA

Date time interval allows users to select a start and end date/time, enabling them to specify a period. It can also be configured to meet use cases that only require a selection for a range of dates, weeks, months, quarters, or years.

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When to use

Use date time interval when your application requires users to specify a period. It's essential for querying data or any situation where date boundaries are needed.

When not to use

Don't use date time interval if you only need a single date time input. If specifying a duration isn't necessary, stick to a simpler date picker.


Learn about the individual parts of Date-Time-Interval

Date-time-interval input fields

  1. Label: Text that identifies the expected user input; a label must be present for accessibility, either as the component's label element or external to the component
  2. Required indicator: Field decorator that indicates if a field is required
  3. Information button (optional): Opens a popover and shows the field helper text
  4. Date-time icon: Icon that indicates the field contains a picker
  5. Value: Date and time entered by a user
  6. Input field: Space for user input or placeholder date and time format

Date-time-interval picker

  1. Previous month button: Navigates to previous month
  2. Month selector: Displays a month view
  3. Year selector: Displays a year view
  4. Next month button: Navigates to next month
  5. Days of the week: Displays the days of the week
  6. Dates: Displays current dates within the current month and adjacent months
  7. Start time input: Displays and accepts a valid start time value
  8. End time input: Displays and accepts a valid end time value


Date-time-interval picker can be used to enable users to select a range of dates and times from a calendar picker to fill an input field. For use cases requiring a single date time selection, see usage guidelines for the date-time component. For a full interactive calendar see usage guidelines for the Calendar component.

See usage guidelines for Date-Time

See usage guidelines for Calendar


Learn about the variants of date-time-interval.


Date-time-interval picker has two sizes: small and medium. The size you choose depends on your use case.


Use the small size for areas that have limited space. The small size reduces the font size of the text. The field indicators, padding, and picker will remain the same size as the default “Medium”.
If icons are included in the input field slot, the padding is reduced between multiple icons.

asterisk used as the required field indicator


Use the medium size alongside similarly sized components and content.

Note: Medium is the default size.

asterisk used as the required field indicator


Learn how to customize date-time-interval inputs by configuring the available properties.

Presets and controllers

This component contains a preset configuration that automatically configures properties and event handlers for a component, making the component ready to work when you add it to a page. A preset is designed to suit a specific use case. However, you can override preset property values with a custom configuration if you find it necessary for your design. Preset values that you override aren’t upgraded when updates are available. If you don’t want to use the preset values provided, select the option to configure the component manually. You can apply one preset to a single instance of a component on a page. For more information, see Presets.

A preset is always associated with a controller, which acts as a data resource for the component. Controllers provide the configuration data and event bindings the component needs to function in your experience. By selecting a preset, the required controller is added to the page. By adding a controller to the page, any new applicable components will have that controller's preset. For more information about how controllers work, see Controllers. For instructions on using the data inspector to view the default presets for a component, see View properties and events in the Controller API.

The following presets are available by default:

  • Last 7 days
  • Last month
  • Last 3 months
  • Last 6 months
  • Last year
  • Year to date


You can set the input fields for your date-time-interval picker to display vertically or horizontally.


The horizontal orientation will display your two input fields side by side.


The vertical orientation will stack your input fields.


You can configure date-time-interval inputs to be small or medium sized.


Use the small size for areas that have limited space. The small size reduces the font size of the text.


Use the medium size alongside similarly sized components and content.

Note: Medium is the default size.


The spacing between the date-time-interval inputs can also be set to small (8px), medium (12px), or large (16px).

Read only

You can configure the date-time-interval inputs to be read-only. Users can select and copy the value, but will be unable to edit the value or trigger the picker.

asterisk used as the required field indicator


You can configure the date-time-interval inputs to be disabled. Users will be unable to edit the value or trigger the picker.

asterisk used as the required field indicator

Required indicator

You can configure an input field as required with an asterisk indicator after the form label. This indicates that the user must enter a value in this field.
Note: This indicator shouldn't be used with the optional field indicator.

asterisk used as the required field indicator

Optional indicator

You can configure an input field as optional. When used, optional fields display "(Optional)" text next to the label. Add this indicator to an optional field when all other fields are required by default. However, you can show the user that a field is optional without displaying the indicator at all.
Note: This indicator shouldn't be used with the required field indicator.

optional field indicator

Field helper text

Use the field helper text to display guidance information to help users complete the field. The helper text will display in a popover when the information icon is activated.

The popover text can contain additional information such as the date and time format.

Alert messages

Provides a list of messages customizable by status aka color (e.g. info, suggestion, alert), icon, and text content. The list will be displayed in order from top to bottom.

Picker configurations

You can configure how the calendar is displayed, including the type of calendar, the footer actions, the first day of the week, adjacent months, days of the week headings, weekend days, and specific dates.


You can select the type of calendar to display. Types include date, date-time, week, month, quarter, and year.


You can set the calendar to display dates. In this view, the month and year selectors will remain visible.


You can set the input to accept a time value. The time input does not include a time picker.


You can set the calendar to display date and time inputs. In this view, the month and year selectors will remain visible.


You can set the calendar to display weeks. In this view, the month and year selectors will remain visible.


You can set the calendar to display months. In this view, the year selector will still remain visible.


You can set the calendar to display quarters. In this view, the year selector will still remain visible.


You can set the calendar to display years.

The cancel and apply buttons can be configured to be displayed or hidden. They are hidden by default.

First day of the week

You can enable users to set the first day of the week to start on any day. In the left image below, the week starts on Sunday and in the right image, it starts on Monday.

Hide adjacent months

Adjacent months can be configured to be displayed or hidden. In the left image below, adjacent months are shown and in the right image, they are hidden.

Two images display with the previous and next month dates shown and hidden, respectively.

Default start time

Configure a default start time for the picker when it loads. If you don’t configure a start time, the time defaults to midnight. Below, the image to the right has the start and end time configured.

Two images display with the previous and next month dates shown and hidden, respectively.

Weekend days

You can specify which days are weekend days so you have the option to disable weekends on the calendar. Below, the image to the right has weekends disabled.

Two images display with the previous and next month dates shown and hidden, respectively.

Disable specific dates

In addition to disabling weekend days, you can disable specific dates. This includes disabling individual dates, date ranges, and all dates before or after a certain date.

Design recommendations

Learn how to apply date-time-interval picker in your design.

button application primary do

Configure the date time picker to the type “time” for entering time specific intervals.

button application primary dont

Don’t use the default date-time-interval picker for time specific intervals.

button application primary do

Enable the default footer actions to display confirmation controls, allowing users to verify their selection prior to the picker closing.

button application primary dont

Don’t use the default date picker if your use case requires a user to verify their selection.

button application primary do

Configure the first day of the week to start on Monday to mimic an ISO calendar.

button application primary dont

Don’t use the default date picker if your use case requires an ISO date picker

UI text guidelines

These are some recommendations for using text within date-time-interval:

  • Your date-time-interval labels should be concise, for example, “Start date and time” and “End date and time.”
  • The label for this field should instruct the person to take an action (“Select a date and time for your appointment”) or can just be nouns if the context is already apparent (“Date and time”)
    • For example, you could use “Select a date and time for your appointment” or “Date and time”
  • Don’t use a slash or symbol in the label because slashes, ampersands, and other symbols don’t translate
  • If you use an Information icon, the popover text should describe any additional information the person needs to know regarding the date and time.
  • For the primary button in the footer, use a label that clearly conveys what happens with the date and time selection they made
  • For the Current button, use a label that tells the person selecting this will choose the present time
  • Start with a verb to describe a specific verb to set the expectation of what happens next
  • Use short labels. Two words is ideal. Three is OK. If needed for clarity, four is acceptable.
  • Avoid commas, periods, and other punctuation
  • Add an object to the verb if additional context or clarity is needed
    • For example, “View today’s date”
  • Add an article (like “a” or “an”) to add a more human, conversational tone
    • For example, “Choose this date”
  • Use the same verb tense if multiple buttons are present


Learn how date-time-interval picker behaves when the display changes or a user interacts with the component.


Date-time-interval inputs has the following states: default, hover, focus, read-only, disabled, and invalid.
Users cannot edit the value when the input field is in a read-only state. However, users can select and copy the value.

State Example
Default now-date-time-interval
Hover now-date-time-interval
Focus now-date-time-interval
Read-only now-date-time-interval
Disabled now-date-time-interval
Invalid now-date-time-interval

Responsive behaviors

Learn how date-time-interval picker responds to changes in a container or display.


Learn how date-time-interval inputs responds when a user interacts with it.

Invalid state

In an invalid state, the labels and indicators of the required input fields appear in red. If the labels include either a required indicator or an optional indicator, it also appears in red. If you include an invalid message, it appears under the fields to describe the error to the user. You can customize the words in the invalid message based on your experience and audience. Although invalid messages are optional, it is recommended that you include one to help the user understand what caused the error.


If the years exceeds the container height, the year selection will display a vertical scroll bar.


Learn how date-time-interval picker responds when a user interacts with it.

Select dates

Users can select an input field to display the picker. Users can then type their value into the input field, or select a value from the picker.

With the picker open, users can make an initial selection (e.g. 17th). The date value and default time is then updated to the start input.

Once the start date has been selected, hovering over an end date will highlight the dates in between. Users can select a date-time-interval within one picker.

After a start and end date have been selected, the user can enter a start and end time. Pressing the Enter key within either time input will submit the time values and dismiss the picker.

If configured, users can select actions “Cancel” and “Apply” from the footer. This configuration is important for use cases that involve preserving or validating selected date and time values.

View disabled dates

Disabled dates cannot be selected as a start or end date. However, a disabled date may fall within a selected date range.


Date-time-interval complies with all internationalization and accessibility requirements.


When date-time-interval picker is used in a platform configured for a right-to-left (RTL) language, content in the component flips its orientation.


Learn how to access the actionable elements of date-time-interval picker through keyboard interactions and screen readers.

Date-time-interval picker tab order

This is the high-level tab order for date-time-interval picker

If no value is selected, focus will move to the current date.

Keyboard interactions

You can access the actionable elements of date-time-interval picker with these keyboard keys:

With focus on date input:

  • Down arrow: Expands picker

With focus on previous month button:

  • Enter or space: Displays previous month button
  • Tab: Moves focus to month button
  • Shift + tab: Moves focus to “End time” input

With focus on month:

  • Enter or space: Displays month selection
  • Tab: Moves focus to year button
  • Shift + tab: Moves focus to previous month button

With focus on year:

  • Enter or space: Displays year selection
  • Tab: Moves focus to next month button

With focus on next month button”

  • Enter or space: Displays next month and focus remains on button
  • Tab: Focus moves to date picker
  • Shift + tab: Focus moves to year button

With focus on current date”

  • Enter: Selects date
  • Esc: Dismisses picker and focus returns to date time input (when footer actions are present, the Esc key dismisses the picker and reverts to previous value)
  • Up/down and left/right arrows: Moves focus within the calendar
  • Tab: Moves focus to “Today” button
  • Shift + tab: Moves focus to next month button

With focus on “Start time” input:

  • Enter: Submits time value and collapses picker
  • Tab: Focus moves to “End time” input
  • Shift + tab: Moves focus to last selected date if date selection is present

With focus on “End time” input

  • Enter: Submits time value and collapses picker
  • Tab: Focus moves to previous month button
  • Shift + tab: Moves focus to “Start time” input

Screen readers

When you apply ARIA labels to a component, screen readers announce the controls and content of date-time-interval picker in the prescribed tab order.