- Divider: Horizontal line that separates content or card subcomponents
Use a card divider to separate information so that the user can easily scan a card component.
Learn how to customize card divider by configuring the available properties.
Full width
You can configure whether the card divider extends to the full width of the card.
You can configure the amount of spacing between the divider and other content. The size you choose depends on your use case and the font size you use. The card divider has the following spacing options: none, small (sm), medium (md), and large (lg).
Use no spacing when you're including a card divider above or underneath an image.
Use the small spacing with a small font size or when you want to keep the card compact.
Use the medium spacing with a medium font size or when the content requires more visual separation for better readability.
Use the large spacing with a large font size or to provide the card component with more whitespace. This can help improve readability if there is a lot of content on the card. The large size is the default spacing for card divider.
Design recommendations
Learn how to apply the card divider correctly in your design.
Alignment and positioning
You can position the card divider anywhere within the card.
Card divider doesn’t respond to external changes or to user interactions.
Card divider doesn’t have any specific accessibility or internationalization requirements.